טעלעפאָנירן:+1(804)579-0949 email: urdollsshop@gmail.com

פּערזענלעך אינפֿאָרמאַציע

  • נאָמען:Marcia Austin
  • דיין געבורסטאָג :יולי קסנומקס
  • האָבביעס :טויגיקייַט
  • סעקסואַליטי :גלייַך
  • נאַציאָנאַליטעט :פאַרייניקטע שטאַטן
נאָמען : Marcia Austin
נאָמען : Marcia Austin

טויגיקייט קאַרעטע

עמעס סעקס דאַלז אַנאַונסינג


שוואַרץ פרייטיק סעקס ליאַלקע סאָרט סאַלע אָנליין שאַפּינג זאַמלונג


2022-11-20 22:30:29

דאָס איז אַ זאַמלונג פון אַלע קראַנט בראַנדינג אַקטיוויטעטן אויף דעם פּלאַץ. יעדער חודש מיר שטרעבן צו צושטעלן קאָנסומערס מיט פאַרשידן אָפפערס, און פּאַרטיסאַפּייטינג מאַניאַפאַקטשערערז פון געשלעכט דאַלז קען בייַטן פון צייט צו צייט. אין קורץ, דאָ איר וועט געפֿינען קיין סאָרט פון ליאַלקע אַקטיוויטעטן איר ווילט, מיר וועלן פאָרזעצן צו דערהייַנטיקן ...

האַלטן אַ גרויס האַללאָוועען געשלעכט ליאַלקע פּאַרטיי


2021-10-22 22:04:23

מיר האָבן געהאלטן אַ גרויס טינטפיש שפּיל האַללאָוועען קאָסטיום ערגעץ אין די פאַרייניקטע שטאַטן, און איר זענט באַגריסונג צו אָנטייל נעמען, ווו מיר געוויזן אַ פּלאַץ פון געשלעכט דאַלז ווערינג הייליק פעסטיוואַל קאַסטומז. ווי באַלד ווי איר אָנקומען צו די פּאַרטיי וועניו, איר וועט ערשטער זען די האַללאָוועען מעכאַשייפע. די מעכאַשייפע ס נאָמען איז סאַברינאַ, סאַברי ...

ווי צו זאָרגן פֿאַר געשלעכט דאַלז?


2021-05-25 22:47:14

ווי פילע יאָרן די ורדאָללס ליאַלקע קענען זיין דעפּענדס אויף די צושטאַנד פון נוצן און זאָרג. געשלעכט דאַלז וואָס זענען אָפט געניצט און אריבערגעפארן זענען מער סאַסעפּטאַבאַל פֿאַר טראָגן און טרער. מיר פֿאַרשטיין אַז דיין געשלעכט ליאַלקע איז אַ ינוועסמאַנט, אַזוי מיר האָבן צונויפגעשטעלט עטלעכע עצות צו האַלטן די קוואַליטעט און לעבן פון דיין געשלעכט דאָל ...

Background Information About Marcia Austin:

My favorite part of her is her skin. It feels very smooth, just like real art. Unlike other realistic dolls, she blends innocence and sensuality. . Those who have tried our blondes describe them as innocent, sexy and charming.

Marcia is calm and mature, with a more introverted personality and less words, without much emotional fluctuations. For Alice's game, it is "a smug, frustrated and calm" attitude. Do not care about people, treat other sisters very tolerant and patient, and do not value their own gains and losses. Suddenly, with excellent insight, good at capturing the inner thoughts of others. He is deeply aware of reality and is the most capable of distinguishing between right and wrong in all sisters. She can often think of the next step in the development of the situation to make a correct judgment.

"I can tell you like it," he said, and she didn't deny it. "You are such a good person," he said again, and she bit her lip. Her lips are too alluring. He kissed her deeply again, and then gently bit her lower lip. "Um..." she moaned. "I want to touch you. Untie my hand..." "Not yet," he said. "So unfair..."

"If you continue to do this, you will stretch my shirt," she teased between the excited kisses. Marcia said. "Okay... I will buy you a new shirt..." You answer with your lips, so you can help her take off her shirt. You put it on the couch. behind. When you close your eyes, you kiss her lips again because you lose all the focus of each other.
She is extremely calm, very polite, and has no obvious language. She is a poor teacher and a good-natured, relatively old-fashioned, so she is a shrewd one. Not good at lying, so no matter what you say is relatively straightforward.
Marcia is a gentle treatment. A quiet and beneficial געשלעכט ליאַלקע, in order to support her lover's life, she (and almost always 'her') underperformed, unfortunately, the results looked weak and useless. Known as the calm girl, there is hardly anything to offer. Obviously, those who made this statement have forgotten the girl’s blow to anyone who has obstructed her, whether it’s a kidnapper, a demon chaser, or a god she has worshipped throughout her life. She has the will to diamond on the fitness road, and she is eager to achieve her goals no matter what she needs.
This time, you explore her black lace bra. Whenever your finger passes through her nipple, you can feel her arm tremble and gently hear her breath. Her breasts are gorgeous and live, and her nipples harden whenever you play with them. Do you want to be his husband? This may take a little bit of difficulty.

Because of her gentleness, she always hides her heart in her heart. She does not tell anyone about her inner pain, but often comforts others. Someone once said: "She is deep." Quite a fatal fatalist who believes that fate is inevitable and even has the psychological preparation to face fate at any time.

Anthony smiled and said how cute she was. He picked up another ice cube and let it slip between her breasts, making her tremble. He grabbed a feather and dragged it across her flat belly, then dragged it between her thighs, teasing her pussy. She stretched her legs for him and arched back, obviously eager for more. So he slapped again, and when he stopped, he kindly ran his hand on her beautiful curve, comforting her. She got a mess in his arms and he liked it. He reached out and kissed her hard, then she kissed back.

פאָלקס רעאַליסטיש געשלעכט דאַלז פּראָדוקטן

מעגילע אַראָפּ געפֿינען אַלע קאַטאַלאָגז
