טעלעפאָנירן:+1(804)579-0949 email: urdollsshop@gmail.com

פּערזענלעך אינפֿאָרמאַציע

  • נאָמען:Pamela Spender
  • דיין געבורסטאָג :דעצעמבער קסנומקס
  • האָבביעס :פּאָטטעד געוויקסן
  • סעקסואַליטי :גלייַך
  • נאַציאָנאַליטעט :פאַרייניקטע שטאַטן
נאָמען : Pamela Spender
נאָמען : Pamela Spender


עמעס סעקס דאַלז אַנאַונסינג


שוואַרץ פרייטיק סעקס ליאַלקע סאָרט סאַלע אָנליין שאַפּינג זאַמלונג


2022-11-20 22:30:29

דאָס איז אַ זאַמלונג פון אַלע קראַנט בראַנדינג אַקטיוויטעטן אויף דעם פּלאַץ. יעדער חודש מיר שטרעבן צו צושטעלן קאָנסומערס מיט פאַרשידן אָפפערס, און פּאַרטיסאַפּייטינג מאַניאַפאַקטשערערז פון געשלעכט דאַלז קען בייַטן פון צייט צו צייט. אין קורץ, דאָ איר וועט געפֿינען קיין סאָרט פון ליאַלקע אַקטיוויטעטן איר ווילט, מיר וועלן פאָרזעצן צו דערהייַנטיקן ...

האַלטן אַ גרויס האַללאָוועען געשלעכט ליאַלקע פּאַרטיי


2021-10-22 22:04:23

מיר האָבן געהאלטן אַ גרויס טינטפיש שפּיל האַללאָוועען קאָסטיום ערגעץ אין די פאַרייניקטע שטאַטן, און איר זענט באַגריסונג צו אָנטייל נעמען, ווו מיר געוויזן אַ פּלאַץ פון געשלעכט דאַלז ווערינג הייליק פעסטיוואַל קאַסטומז. ווי באַלד ווי איר אָנקומען צו די פּאַרטיי וועניו, איר וועט ערשטער זען די האַללאָוועען מעכאַשייפע. די מעכאַשייפע ס נאָמען איז סאַברינאַ, סאַברי ...

ווי צו זאָרגן פֿאַר געשלעכט דאַלז?


2021-05-25 22:47:14

ווי פילע יאָרן די ורדאָללס ליאַלקע קענען זיין דעפּענדס אויף די צושטאַנד פון נוצן און זאָרג. געשלעכט דאַלז וואָס זענען אָפט געניצט און אריבערגעפארן זענען מער סאַסעפּטאַבאַל פֿאַר טראָגן און טרער. מיר פֿאַרשטיין אַז דיין געשלעכט ליאַלקע איז אַ ינוועסמאַנט, אַזוי מיר האָבן צונויפגעשטעלט עטלעכע עצות צו האַלטן די קוואַליטעט און לעבן פון דיין געשלעכט דאָל ...

Background information about Pamela Spender:

Among the most valuable decorations, the favorite dolls are made of silicone polymers and are more lifelike. Turning her from a blonde to a brunette, even a redhead, didn't work. I must first say that the market in this industry is very saturated. Unstoppable, there are millions of competitors to choose from.

Pamela looks like a natural girl with big glasses, and she is an ordinary girl. She likes gardening, potted plants, and likes to use "I am not happy" to express any emotions of her own. She is very concerned about her friends and saved Ipoh Sakura. There are excellent abilities in the battle, but the usual life is always a mess. When you lie, you will wipe the glasses while whispering and looking around.She is a very realistic געשלעכט ליאַלקע.

I reminded her that I was basically running dry with how many times a day she made me cum, but she just smiled and handed me a little envelope. She told me she had to head back to Chicago for a few days for a family event and she didn't want me to get too stressed out while she was gone. In the envelope, there was a note saying she'd signed me up for a "ספּעציעל "massage and a business card of an Oriental massage parlor in our city.

"I have a unique way of interrogating criminals. No matter how strong his will is, I can tame them. Can you believe this is true? Maybe this is just an excuse for you. From this series of work." I have never failed. "Pamela said very proudly.
Life is very poor because of childhood. The reason for the ability often leads to excessive blood loss and anemia. It is also necessary to eat a lot of supplemental nutrition, so it is even poorer. Because I like gardening, I used to invest tens of thousands of dollars in a single potted plant to cultivate meticulously. Often, even the rent and food expenses can't be found. So poor enough to eat even the rice.
She is a professional interrogator. She is currently interrogating criminals in US prisons. Due to her outstanding performance, she was hired to interrogate international criminals or organizations. But there is one thing that makes everyone confused, this is not a person. Know how she told the criminal to tell all the secrets. Her request was that when she interrogated the prisoner, she could not monitor and eavesdrop on the equipment in the room. But in the end, she always does a good job. She interrogated the props brought by the prisoner as a whip. What are you doing to her and the prisoners in the room? Only know when you commit a major crime. Maybe you can take her home and let her tell you.

In order to make money, I used to work as a model part-time in the photo studio, and most of the photos I took were bought by good friends. I was very embarrassed to find a lot of photos when I went to a friend's house, but I was surprised that my friends remembered their birthdays. Later, after his own efforts, he became an interrogator.

Two days later, I took an Uber downtown and pulled up the address she gave me on my phone. Fifbeauty minutes later I was there. I got to the right street, but because I was distracted, I actually walked right by the massage parlor at first. On my second time around, I saw the place I was looking for. It looked like it could've been any sort of place, if it weren't for the words "Oriental Massage" written across one window and "Full Body Relaxation" written across the other window.

פאָלקס רעאַליסטיש געשלעכט דאַלז פּראָדוקטן

מעגילע אַראָפּ געפֿינען אַלע קאַטאַלאָגז
